Ken OConnor Racing is dedicated to providing top notch service, at a reasonable price, to today's riding enthusiast. Whether you're competing on the local circuit or busting up the local sand dune, we can accommodate all of your engine needs. We specialize in performance modifications for both two and four stroke models and deliver quality surpassed by no one.We have over 30 years of experience with novice and expert riders and know what it takes to get you back on the track. You probably found my web site because your engine is suffering from poor performance or some catastrophic damage.
This site is dedicated to providing a wealth of information to anyone with a desire to take the time to read it. Use my tech pages to learn how to tune your carburetor, adjust your valves or rebuild your top end. Use my links to get in touch with some of the best sites on the net. Remember to put us into your favorites and stop by often. The site is constantly updated by the very Technicians that will be performing the services you require.
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© 1983-Present by Ken OConnor Racing. All rights reserved.