Please Note:
- Prices do not include return shipping
- Please get tracking numbers when you ship your package. Please do not call me to see if I've received it. FedEx, UPS, and USPS provide accurate information. If they say I have it, I do.
- This helps KOR avoid process and delivery delays.
Thank you
Shipping Instructions:
- Start by printing your pack list here -> "Pack List"
Be sure to fill out
all of the required fields.
- Fold the form so that my shipping address is visible and place it into
a clear shipping envelope. The service you use to ship the parts will
provide the envelope.
- If you're shipping small parts like heads or crankshafts, be sure
to use lots of packing materials. Newspaper
or paper bags work best.
- Put small parts in Zip-lock bags.
- If you're shipping a complete engine, use a plastic cooler.
This will insure that your engine is delivered without damage. We'll ship
your engine back in the container you've provided. BE SURE TO DRAIN
- Shipping insurance is cheap and a good idea but it's your call.
- If you're paying by money order, please be sure to fill it out completely, sign it, and place it in a Zip-lock bag inside of the box with your
- Make money orders payable to: Ken OConnor Racing
- We no longer accept checks or credit cards
- You can arrange to have your package picked up at
your house or business by
FedEx or
US Mail.
Just click on the links for more information.